Interesting culture and unique arts : WaMod
Interesting culture and unique arts : WaMod

Interesting culture and unique arts : WaMod

Reasons why West Java is a unique place to  visit


Among the many distinct provinces of the country is the SaTu  West Java region.  The region covers around 18 districts and has 9 cities in it.   The region is Bandung, the capital of  the province.   There are also many interesting things to do with its location near the sea. You can visit some of the interesting places in it.


The region also has its own uniqueness, where many people prefer to live in a settled place orwant to visit that area.   There are many varieties in which you  can enjoy many interesting things  in terms of culture, art, tourist attractions, even regular food.


There are many interesting things that can be used as reasons why you should visit one of the provinces on the island of Java. This is due, for example, to the existence of the Anglong instrument, which is recorded as a world cultural heritage. It’s not only unique, it’s definitely also proud.


In November 2010, Anglung was added to UNESCO’s list of cultural heritage musical instruments,  which is very popular and international. This instrument is made using bamboo, where the way to play is by shaking it. Nevertheless, it can create a beautiful melodious sound.


Brief Review of the Sundanese State Territory


There is a natural state in the province of West Java, whose geographical  area is very complete.  In the centre of the region  there are rows of mountains on  the island of Java from west to east because the northern part enters the lowlands, while the  southern part  is a slightly coastal mountain.


The area, which consists of the city of Bandung, has a fertile landscape.   Because the soil is fed by the deposition of volcanic ash and many rivers, it is not strange that most of the land is used as agricultural land.  The climate is very similar to that of other parts of Indonesia, such as the tropics.


Some explanations even suggest that this part of West Java has the largest population.   Not only is it famous for its warm air temperature, but in some places it is also popular in the cold mountains. This is also one of the reasons why many people prefer to visit this area.


This extraordinary area of Bandung Province has many industrial buildings in various ways. The company also supports the economy of the Indonesian government. Until now, the region has also been the hub of the largest textile industry, and even the number of exports is very high every year.


In addition, the area is also known as a national rice barn. Nearly 30 percent of the total land area of his agricultural land is used for paddy cultivation, so it is not strange if the region is also used as a place to improve the Indonesian economy.   The marine resources are also very good.


Interesting culture and unique arts


The dominant cultures  in the West Java region are actually Sundanese and Syreban. As for the Sundanese culture, it has actually  grown up in the green land area,  the Sundanese level, and the Bryangan. As for the Syreban culture in the North Cava Sans of the former residence  . You must be aware of the uniqueness of the culture.


The first is language. The most widely known language in  the region is  the Sundanese language, script, or  foundation, and at least in this language there are many dialects such as Preps, Cyreban, Banton, and Priyangan, because the traditional attire of the region can also be distinguished from the social status of the people.


If you are a nobleman, you wear a black Kabaya Blue Drew dress  with embroidery from the gold thread. In addition, it uses a kebet fabric, whose motif is rereng. Meanwhile, for the middle class, they wear clothes with white branches, and then used batik kebat yang.


In the meantime, the lower classes wear salontren dresses with bolang sarodes worn above the shoulders.  Another culture you need to know is  the traditional home.  Generally, it  is known as a traditional house in the West Java region, which is often named Ima Pangung. The house itself has a long quadrilateral.


The floor of his own house comes from palupuh.  This braided bamboo matting becomes its wall or room. The skeleton of the house is made of wood and the support  is called Tatabagan, where it  is made using stone as a place. The rhumbia leaves are also used for the roof.


D Visit amazing tourist places in nature


The area with the city of Bandung  is very popular with its beautiful underwater nature. There are even many amazing places in West Java that are targeted by tourists because they are popularized through cyberspace. Not only that, but also because it is a mountainous area the cool air is also loved by the people.


In the West Java region, it doesn’t  give you naturally interesting places,  but there are also many places to visit. From the ordinary to the most unique. It’s forcing tourists to visit to enjoy all the uniqueness in the area.


The first is in Pangandaran, i.e. the Green Valley. This tourist destination has a lot of natural beauty with the most beautiful stochastic rocks. You can enjoy the tall rocks fitted with a river at the bottom . In addition, you can also go to caves and interesting photos. There are many other activities that can be done.


There is also a cherry flower park located in Sibotas Kebuk. It is known that this flower grows in a country with 4 seasons. However, trees with pink flowers can grow in Indonesia. To enjoy the beauty of this flower, it falls in the months of January-February or July-August  .


You’ll find a stoat garden in the Patellarang area  of West Java. This place is perfect to use as an amazing photo location.   Natural stones  from the former ancient lake  are very exotic in the  morning or evening  before dusk.   Don’t forget the white groove located in Bandung.


Specialties should be tried


The PerbigaRaw of this region, in addition to tourist destinations, should be incomplete if not with the presence of special dishes. In fact, one of the things that makes one area popular is,  except where there is a food visa tanya not found in other areas  . Each BasaElregion has its own unique cuisine and is worth savoring.


In West Java, some foods are classified as healthy, and they are not found anywhere else. They are like Karedok with a lot of nutritional content. This food is made from vegetables as the main ingredient served using  peanut seasoning soup.   Ada is  a common peuyeum dish commonly used as soucements.


Food is prepared using tapioca with a taste similar to that of tape. But in this peuyeum the system also goes dry, because the way to make it is not the same. In addition,  tutak oncom rice,  a processed rice wrapped in banana leaves . Then it is  burned using seasonal oncom  .


There are so many things that make this  West Java Vilayah have so many uniqueness. So a few people don’t want to visit to enjoy culinary and tourist destinations. For that,  if you really want to go to  the West Java region to experience its uniqueness  , make sure to read a lot of information first.

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