Resistance of the Singaparna people of West Java against the Japanese : HappyMod
Resistance of the Singaparna people of West Java against the Japanese : HappyMod

Resistance of the Singaparna people of West Java against the Japanese : HappyMod

Resistance of the Singaparna people of West Java against the Japanese

The Struggle of the Singaparna people of West Java against the Japanese in the hope of colonization was definitely the most difficult moment for the Indonesian nation, although the fight never stopped.

During the colonial period, of course, there were various things done by colonizers who made the Indonesian people miserable and tortured.

With  his leadership, more and more people joined forces to consume and eradicate the various unkind attitudes of the colonists, in this case Japan at the time.

Repugnant movements that cause battles

When Japan began to control Indonesian territory, it not only established its power, but its different cultures were brought to influence the people. You must have heard or read about it. One of the cultures Japan also wants to instill is to give homage to its flag.

Not only that, but Japan also tried to force the Indonesian people to sing their national anthem. Including greeting salute to face the sun in honor of the Japanese emperor or called seikerei. Basically in a religion that the Japanese people believe, worship to face the sun is a form of reverence for the sun god.

This was contrary to and rejected by the Indonesian people and became one of the reasons for the resistance of the singapar people of West Java against the Japanese at the time. It is certain that many existing scientists oppose the existence of this session because it is also similar to the prayer movement.

There are many large priesthood figures who oppose this movement and call on their soldiers to fight the opposing army. Of course, this was done to  defend independence and did not want to do what the Japanese people believed in.   will be a dissident and deserves to be punished.

People’s resistance to singapar to Japanese politics

One of the priests who rejected the Seikerei movement at the time was KH Zainal Mustafa. He and all his disciples of pesantren Sukamana apparently refused to do so and provoked the resistance of the syngaparpeople of West Java against the Japanese. It also includes saying that for Muslims to do shakers it is a shaking act and should be avoided.

Of course, KH Zaynal Mustafa did not remain silent watching Japan torture anyone who rejected the movement. He began to strategise to increase power so that he could revolt properly against Japanese forces. Soldiers from the students in the pesantrawere deployed to fight the enemy.

Initially, before there was resistance  between  the people of Singaparna, West Java and the Japanese, the colonialists sent their men to talk to KH Zainal Mustafa so he could understand.

Until finally , the resistance of the west Java synapse people against the Japanese was no longer inevitable. Although the number of soldiers is definitely lower for many, so the opposing army can overcome the resistance.

Single people who are anti-colonial policies

People in the Singaparna region itself are actually people who tend to be religious. So the different policies of colonizers are indeed very anti, especially with the different crimes that have been committed. This is very mismatched by religious understanding adopted by most single people, namely Islam.

One of the obstacles to the resistance of the Singaparna people from Western Java against the Japanese was due to the large number of people who died due to forced labour at the time. They have the heart to do everything they can to punish anyone who does not want to respect what is ordered and considered a rebel.

In addition, there are more and more policies given by the Japanese side and there is no reason to reject them. Politics is considered contrary to religious teachings and is coercion in nature. So people continue to live miserable lives and have no freedom to do so according to their religious teachings.

The battle between the people of Singaparna, West Java and the Japanese took place in the village of Sukamana for about an hour. The soldiers led by KH Zainal Mustafa carried swords and pointed to the bamboo as his weapon.

Meet Zaynal Mustafa’s figure.

KH Zainal Mustafa or who in his childhood was known as Die or Hudaemi was actually an ordinary person. He studied at Pesantren Gunung Pari and changed many places as a traveling student. This is done to gain deeper religious knowledge from different types of teachers and scientists of course.

After studying at several Islamic boarding schools in West Java and because of his intelligence, Die was then appointed assistant to Kyai Mutaqien. Die has noble aspirations to be able to establish and manage its pesantren. Until finally, this dream was realized in the Baguer Village area of Singaparna. Of course this is the story before the resistance of the Singaparna people of West Java against the Japanese.

Die then changed his name to KH Zainal Mustafa after performing the hajj in 1937. He sought to learn Arabic as a main thing to learn in order to facilitate understanding of religious sciences. However, his pesantren also included scientific material on Indonesian history and the defense of the homeland.

The existence of this material made KH Zainal Mustafa overseen by the intelligence of dutch colonizers. He was even later imprisoned by the Dutch. Of course this happened because of his criticism of the policies of colonizers who were considered contrary to religious teachings and inhumane at the time.

He continued to do everything he could to defend his religion and people. Oppose any policy from colonizers to Japanese coming to Indonesia. His love of the homeland is undoubted. There were many services as a national hero that were conducted and have a major impact on the struggle of the Indonesian people.

The fight of the people of Singaparna must indeed end in defeat. But in other areas, there was also great resistance to ending policies of colonizers who were wrong about people’s well-being. Starting with the resistance of the Singaparna people of West Java against the Japanese , the Indonesian people’s struggle was remarkable to defend their independence.

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