Traditional yang food is still popular : GettyRecipes
Traditional yang food is still popular : GettyRecipes

Traditional yang food is still popular : GettyRecipes

Keeping Recipe for delicious West Javanese Colenak andnutrition


Relying on surrounding ingredients that are still natural makes foods such as recipes to make this West Javanese colenak also have beneficial properties for the body.Ingredients such as plants, for example, will meet the fiber and nutrition of your body even if preparation is limited to light meals.Natural ingredients and nutrients are also strengthened by the easy production process.


It is undeniable that food is a basic human need to survive.  And Indonesia, as a rich country, has many uniqueities in each region as well. Each region has traditional dishes with special tastes.


Food is one of Indonesia’s riches because it is unique and distinct from other countries’ food. There are all sorts of food, delicious food to drinks. Even this dish is not commonly recognized by foreign countries because of its enjoyment.


This dish is made from various local ingredients to meet the daily needs of local people. Most nutrients in this preparation are complete enough for daily active activities. Traditional foods with such processes can be delicious and nutritious.


The food of each region, such as the region in West Java, is very interesting to develop. In this case, as proud citizens of their culture we have an obligation to preserve wealth, such as recipes for making the usual colenak of Western Java.This can also enable foreign tourists to be interested in the food identity of each of these regions.


The richness of Western JavaNese of traditional holidays

In the midst of the development of the era, traditional food must be preserved so that future generations can still enjoy it. Including maintaining traditional food items such as recipes for making the usual Colenak of Western Java is indonesia’s shared responsibility even if they are from Western Java.


Indonesians renowned for dining can be one of theways of ice dancingto the richness of the nation’s diet. Colenak can be one of your snack choices and still rich in benefits. Unlike common foods that are malnourished, colenak has the advantages that make it more likely to maintain.


West Java with its Sundan tribe is famous for owning hundreds of delicious foods and has even spread widely in Indonesia including recipes for making the usual colenak of Western Java.You have to hear about the cilok, seblak, Bandung biscuits, and many other categories.


This traditional food with processes and simple ingredients that are still natural makes the nutrients in them very secure. Without a protective drug and a harmful taste for the body, colenak is even more healthy. This vegetable can also be cooked with various new innovations to match the wishes of the current community.


Delicious foods and recipes to make this West Javanese colenak are usually one of the long-known dishes in West Java because of its identity.This dish includes traditional delicacies that are well known around the world and are now easy for you to find in the cool coffee in Bandung and its surroundings.


 Nutritious foods

Although colenak is a delicious food category, this deliciousmeal is still not a common n ya snack with the least level of nutrition; making it a meal can help meet your vitamin needs because there is so much content.Since the main ingredient is natural from cayenne, you will benefit from eating it regularly.


Tergolong snacks with recipe to make normal West Javanese colenak from tape so it has a good benefit for digestion.The content of vitamin B12 to fat is also found from this processed diet.To increase your energy for daily activities, you can get from the contents of the burning carbohydrates tape.


With the addition of a special flavorful brown sugar, you can stick it when eating this sweet meal. Colenak is also a healthy snack, so it is suitable for all circles and ages as long as it is eaten in moderation. Although classified as a traditional dish, this dish is not only popular with old-school humanbeings.


Even in young hangout places such as coffee shops, recipes for making the common colenak of Western Java are often a very popular main dish. Like other dishes, this delicious meal will continue to be popular as long as it continues to be Traditional yang food is still popularpresented to the next generation.


Traditional yang food is still popular

If you visit Bandung or any other tourist attraction in West Java, it’s very easy for you to meet this snack vendor. Although it’s a relatively old school, because the taste and recipe make this Javanese Javanese colenak’s normal activities easy and maintains that continues to happen, the colenak is more in demand and continues to exist.


The human need for food continues to develop in modern society today. With timely sales, namely targeting the youth community, colenak can also continue to be happy until now and in the future.


Although it is classified as a snack, the target is not only a group of children who like food but all ages are also real. Like other Sundanese specialties, the colenak is also famous throughout Indonesia. Traders are also not only Sundan natives but others because of their promising economic potential.


Until now, the colenak has been able to sell in packaging and is widely purchased as a normal West Java souvenir. In the past, colenak is just a cassava tape ingredient and sweet from sugar yolk, now it can be enjoyed with various variants. A variety of flavors have been invented by food lovers so they can get in with the tongues of many.


The tape finishes the picture, firststeamed or burned to give a sweet taste of the fermentation results out. The sugar content that is so much in the tape when burned makes sweet taste lovers like this tape more. With ingredients still relatively natural, colenak is very safe to eat other than no preventive drugs are used.


Delicious foods and recipes make this Colenak West Javanese normally classified as healthy but also cheap food so it’s even more interesting to enjoy.Currently, it’s not only a cold bowl that has to be imported or expensive. Tape, which originated in cassava, can also be a cool dish in this era. Transforming brown sugar into chocolate- such as chocolate, cheese, bananas, and other flavors will also rise to the popularity of this dish.


How to make Colenak simple

In addition to being a delicious, nutritious meal, it turns out that it’s not difficult to make this javanese colenak’s usual meal  at home.You just have to prepare ingredients ranging from cassava, vegetables, sugar,sugar,and salt.Here you should use a simple Western Javanese tape, is a peuyem so that the content of the water is not too much.


Then for anggnya you can use a similar teflon or pan non-stick. First, prepare the lead by boiling the brown sugar by adding water and then adding the cured lemon sauce later. To taste add a little salt and panda leaves to make the smell better later in the day.


You cook this solution until it is cooked and fried and then can be arranged immediately. To make the tape that is reclaimed, first separate the cassava fiber and then shape it to taste. Next, just bake until there is a caramel until a few minutes on either side. If you feel it’s appropriate for adulthood, you just need to add toppings or cocoons to the container and they’re ready to be entertained.


If you want to try other variations of the colenak can steam it, you don’t have to shy away from it. To suit the likes of children, you can replace them with chocolate, cheese, fruit flavor sauce as cocolan in addition to brown sugar. The recipe for making this Western Javanese colenak can be adapted to each other’s wishes, but the taste and nutrition remain the same.

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